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há 39 meses :Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
(UPDATED 2022)

Due to the pandemic, our team has been reduced and we’re working, as much as we can, to keep our activities and fashion releases.

(You might not get a response if your question is listed below)


Q. I’ve had an issue with a membership or Stardollars purchase, what should I do?

Please contact Xsolla! They take care of all payments made on Stardoll and they’re available 24/7 to help with all payment issues. We’re not able to help you with payment issues.

Q. My account was closed for breaking the rules, can I have it back?

NO. Once the account has been closed for breaking the rules, it can’t be reopened. PLEASE DON’T INSIST on reopening it! You will receive an email to inform you that the account has been closed. We reserve the right to not inform the reason for closing an account, in all cases. If you keep sending us messages, YOU WILL RISK LOSING YOUR OTHER ACTIVE ACCOUNTS.

Q. I can’t access my account, what should I do?

If you forgot your password and have verified the email address on your account, click on “forgot password?” on the login page. The first email you receive will confirm that the email address is correct, click on the link available and repeat the first step. Check your email spam box, in case you can’t find the emails you can also send us the information below:

1. Username

2. Birth date registered on the account

3. Email address used to create this account (this information is MANDATORY for the recovery of the account)

4. Several purchase reference numbers (you can find this information on the email you receive once your purchase has been made successfully)

An account can be permanent deleted if not accessed in a while. The system delete the account automatically, it can take around 4 months of inactivity for an account to disappear.

Only the REAL ACCOUNT OWNER can request the reactivation of an account.

Q. I’m experiencing technical issues with the Stardoll Launcher, what should I do?

Everything about the Launcher is available on the Launcher page on the website. The Launcher works only for certain types of computer. If you’re experiencing a technical issue, for example, you’re Bazaar is not showing or you get an error message when trying to access one of the website’s feature, we always suggest that you delete the installed version of the Launcher and DOWNLOAD IT AGAIN, following the link available on the Launcher page. If a technical problem occurs to everyone who has been using the launcher, we’ll fix it as soon as possible.

Q. I can’t access my StarBazaar. It says I’m on level 17, what can I do?

When you change your email or password, your account will be put in quarantine, which means that the Recycling and Gift Shop features will be blocked and you will only be able to SELL designed items through your Bazaar. You'll just need to wait 48 hours until the quarantine period is over. NO EMAIL with a link to finish the quarantine will be sent to you.

Q. Can I change my username?

At the moment, the username changing offer is NOT AVAILABLE. Once we release the offer again, you will be informed through a Dollmail. We don’t make exceptions.

Q. I answered a CINT SURVEY and didn’t get the Stardollars.

Please send us the email address you used to answer the survey and the amount of Stardollars you’re supposed to receive. We’ll include the Stardollars on your account.

Q. I know someone who is breaking Stardoll’s One Stop rules. How can I report them?

If you see other members breaking the rules on Stardoll, please use our reporting tool in the specific place the incident occurred. This is the best way to alert our staff and make sure that these violations are dealt with accordingly. We can’t handle reports through this form or emails.

Q. I bought an item on Starbazaar or Starplaza but it has disappeared.

You can search for your items in the wardrobe by pressing “load more” until ALL the pages are loaded, and then type correctly the name or brand of the item you’re looking for. Check all of your Suites, as well! Sometimes the item can be on your Doll or in your Suite, but it’s layered underneath another item.
The item you purchased could have been a copycat and, therefore, deleted by our system. Please send us the purchase reference number available on the Transaction History > My Account and we will refund the Stardollars to your account, if this is the case. If you can’t find the item after

Q. I can’t find an item in my Wardrobe/Storage. What should I do?

There is a “Load more” button on the bottom right corner of the page. By using this button, you will load more pages of your Wardrobe/Storage and be able to search and filter from a wider range of items. You need to type the name of the item correctly.

If you have an item locked in a Superstar room and you don’t have the Superstar/Royalty status anymore, to be able to get those items, you need to purchase a Superstar membership. If you can’t find your item, you may have recycled it, please check your Transaction History>My account.

Q. I purchased an item on the Starbazaar and didn’t receive the back piece that comes with it.

Please send us the item’s full name and brand, in this format:
Item’s name: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Brand: xxxxxxxxxxxx
PS. Not every item has a back piece. Please check with your friends before requesting it.

Q. I have items that are still packed in my Suite. What can I do?

In order for us to know which items are still packed, we need you to inform us the purchase reference numbers for the items, only then, we can delete them.

Q. I created a hair design and a hair piece got stuck on it. How can I fix this?

To move those small hair pieces, you’ll need to hover the mouse and find the “little hand” icon. If you can’t find it, it means that it won’t be possible to delete those hair pieces and you will have to restart the creation. This is how a design toll is built; it’s not possible to change the tool.

Q. I have a fashion collection suggestion. Can I send it here?

Please send us your fashion suggestion to the email with images. You might not get an answer to the email, but we’ll send your suggestion to the content team. You can also send us suggestion for older items to be released again or recolored. Please, note that the email is reserved for account recovery, forms and documents and fashion and items’ suggestions.

Q. I can't find an item I just purchased or a gift I just received.

Please, log out and login again to find the item in your Suite or Beauty Parlor.

Q. When will items become available on the Starbazaar?

Limited items are in high demand both in the shops and in the StarBazaar! One of the perks of being a Superstar or Royalty member is being able to get exclusive access to limited collections in StarPlaza. Once limited items are available for sale in the StarBazaar, however, they are available for everyone to buy. These rare items are very popular and whether you are looking to buy or to sell them, waiting is hard. However, waiting is part of what makes them so special. You will see the collections become available in the StarBazaar once they are released.
If you want to sell an item in the Starbazaar but you can’t find it in there, it means that the item is not available to be sold.

Q. I wanted to sell a two or more part wig on the Starbazaar, but the user bought only one piece. What should I do?
We can only suggest to all users that they buy all the wig pieces, but we can’t force them. We suggest that you seller reduce the price for smaller pieces.


Por favor, verifique a nossa SEÇÃO DE AJUDA primeiramente, para encontrar uma resposta a sua pergunta

Por favor, note que, não iremos responder perguntas que contenham:
- linguagem desrespeitosa, rude ou abusiva para com os funcionários do Stardoll
- algo sobre o qual você recebeu assistência anteriormente, mas espera obter um resultado diferente
- perguntas ou informações sobre competições diárias
- sobre algo que já esteja explicado na Seção de Ajuda
- sobre algum conflito com outro membro do Stardoll (utilize a ferramenta de denúncia do site)

Os usuários associados receberão suporte mais rapidamente, enquanto os usuários que não são associados terão tempos de resposta mais longos.

Nos contate aqui, caso:

A. Você perdeu a sua conta -- Por favor, nos forneça as seguintes informações em sua mensagem:
1. Nome de usuário
2. Data de nascimento registrada na conta
3. O email original registrado na conta (mesmo que você não tenha mais acesso a ele)
4. O email mais recente associado a conta
5. A data de abertura da conta
6. Diversos número de referência de compra de Stardollars ou Associação Superstar (caso tenha realizado compras no Stardoll). Os números podem ser encontrados no recibo de compra, o qual você recebe em seu email
Caso não tenha os números, nos informe a data da compra, método de pagamento, valor em dinheiro real e em Stardollars, os últimos 4 dígitos do cartão de crédito (caso tenha usado)

B. Existe um problema técnico na sua Suite que apenas funcionários podem corrigir. Por favor, revise estes problemas antes de nos enviar uma mensagem, aqui:

- Não é possível acessar o Chat (Festas)
(Por favor, verifique se você não tem um bloqueador de anúncios em execução. Além disso, verifique se só tem uma aba aberta no Stardoll, pois ter várias páginas abertas ao mesmo tempo confunde os servidores e causa problemas no bate-papo.)

- Você não pode acessar o StarBazaar, mesmo estando acima do nível 17
(Isso está acontecendo porque sua conta está em quarentena, que é um recurso de segurança que é acionado quando você altera seu e-mail ou senha. Se você confirmou seu endereço de e-mail, deverá receber uma mensagem com um link para remover a quarentena ou aguardar 48 horas para que ela termine.)

C.Você teve um problema de pagamento

No momento oferecemos suporte em inglês e português.
Por favor, inclua seu nome de usuário, email e informação detalhada do pagamento para que possamos ajudá-lo.
A categoria e/ou a mensagem não estão especificadas
O e-mail não está especificado

Entre em contato

Roselundsgatan 29 C
S 118 63 Estocolmo

Infelizmente não é possível responder suas perguntas via telefone. Se você tem alguma pergunta, por favor, use o formulário acima e faremos o possível para respondê-lo dentro de 72 horas.