How do I buy stuff in the StarBazaar?

To get to StarBazaar: click on the Shop tab. StarBazaar is divided into StarBazaar Fashion (clothing), StarBazaar Interior (decor), StarBazaar Jewelry and StarBazaar Hair. When you enter the StarBazaar you'll see a page of randomly selected items. If you want to see more items, click on the pink arrow button to the left.
Remember there is always the chance that another user is looking at the same item as you, so timing is of the essence for the savvy StarBazaar shopper!

Click on the item for more information and in order to buy it.

Purchased items will show up in your Suite in a beige shopping bag or a pink box from StarBazaar. If you buy Jewelry the item will show up in your Beauty Parlor. To buy items in StarBazaar, you will need to reach level 17 or be a Superstar.
Please note that in StarBazaar some items can still be locked to their original level.

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