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Callie Con - Your Experience!

hace 80 meses

Hey there!

I'm back with my English posts and for my comeback I decided to create a new blog series about the most recent Stardoll event: Callie Con!

I will be posting articles throughout Callie Con (which ends August 19th). This series will include collaborations, interviews about YOUR experience and, the best Superhero outfits will also be featured! Today, I am going to write MY opinion about Callie Con!

First of all, one thing that I really enjoyed, was the Q&A with Nina, the Fashion Manager, because it gives the chance to you to speak to a professional and probably get to know more about her job.

Other parts of Callie Con I also liked are the competitions, such as the Superhero Dress up Contest! , the Calling all Interior Designers Diary Contest and the Karaoke Quiz Contest! Don't forget the exciting Otherworld release!

This is the end of this post! I really hope you guys like it and please leave a comment telling me who I should interview next!

Enjoy Callie Con!

StamyX! :)


