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Avian Noir - Get in the Car!


Dateline CLASSIC STARDOLLYWOOD: For an eerie moment from Hollywood past check out the Scenery 'Avian Noir' by the always terriffic (and now a little terrifying) Style_Magazine (click here). Style Mag has built a, perfect for Halloween, evocation of the Hitchcock movie 'The Birds.' A stylish Stardolled Tippi Hedren is staring out at us, as the feathered fiends gather above.

Be afraid, be very afraid as you hear those wings rustling.

This Scenery, unlike its slightly clueless heroine, looks both forward and back.

Yes that's right a re-make of 'The Birds' is coming down the tube.

Who's on deck to play the role of one of Alfred H's favorite icy blondes … well at the moment King Kong's favorite girl, Naomi Watts, is attached to the project.

Ms. Watts is going to find out that while the Ggreat Ape loved her (almost to bits), her fine feathered friends are not feeling the love for Naomi.

I have to say what with Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett, Frances O'Connor, Toni Collette -- and of course Naomi Watts -- Australian actresses sure rule the Hollywood roost these days.

Birds of a talented feather – flocking together.



